Examining Trump’s Alleged Chick-fil-a Stunt and its Motives

The alleged Chick-fil-A event, where Trump bought food for attendees, was not as spontaneous as it appeared. The woman in the video, Michaelah Montgomery, is a conservative activist with ties to prominent Republican figures.


4/18/20242 min read

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Trump's Alleged Chick-fil-A Stunt: A Closer Look

In recent news, there have been claims that Donald Trump, during his campaign, made a surprise visit to a Chick-fil-A in Atlanta, where he allegedly bought chicken and milkshakes for attendees. Supporters of Trump spread a video across various platforms, showcasing a black woman embracing him and expressing her support, while also criticizing the media for downplaying his black support

The Woman in the Video

The woman in question, Michaelah Montgomery, is portrayed as a random customer who passionately supports Trump. However, it has come to light that Montgomery is far from an ordinary citizen expressing her genuine support. She is actually a conservative activist who runs a conservative group and has affiliations with prominent figures such as Candace Owens' Blexit Foundation, the Georgia Republican Party, and Charlie Kirk, the founder of the right-wing activist group Turning Point USA.

A Staged Event

Upon closer examination, it becomes apparent that this Chick-fil-A encounter was carefully orchestrated to appeal to black voters. The video, which went viral, aimed to create an impression of widespread black support for Trump, despite the media's alleged efforts to downplay it. However, it is essential to recognize the underlying motives and tactics employed here.

By featuring a black woman who appears to be an average customer, the campaign sought to create an illusion of organic support from the black community. This calculated move was meant to counter the narrative that Trump lacked substantial support among minority groups.

Furthermore, Montgomery's affiliations with conservative organizations and her involvement in Republican politics raise questions about the authenticity of her support. It is reasonable to assume that her actions were not solely driven by personal conviction but rather guided by her affiliations and political agenda.

Political Stunts and Voter Perception

Political campaigns often employ various tactics to sway public opinion and gain support. Staged events and carefully crafted narratives are not uncommon in the realm of politics. However, it is crucial for voters to be discerning and critically analyze such events.

While the Chick-fil-A incident may have temporarily generated positive publicity for Trump, it is essential to look beyond the surface. Voters should consider the broader context, the motives behind such staged events, and the potential impact on policy decisions and governance.

Analyze Political Stunts

The alleged Chick-fil-A event, where Trump bought food for attendees, was not as spontaneous as it appeared. The woman in the video, Michaelah Montgomery, is a conservative activist with ties to prominent Republican figures. The event was staged to create an illusion of widespread black support for Trump, aiming to counter the media's narrative. As voters, it is crucial to analyze political stunts critically and consider the underlying motives and implications they may have on governance and policy decisions.